What Do Baseball Players Chew

Why do Baseball Players Chew Gum?

There are six primary reason whya baseball player would chew gum during a typical game play. These are:

Chewing gum helps in concentration level

According to a 2015 report from BioMed Research International, Chewing gum will “enhance focus while still improving well-being and job performance.” According to the report, chewing gum tends to improve alertness while decreasing tension, which is a combination that any baseball player can find helpful from time to time. It takes Herculean concentration to square up an upper-90s fastball or regularly paint a corner of the plate with off-speed pitches. Baseball players may benefit from chewing gum by removing obstacles and focusing on what needs to be done.

To ease up the tension.

Baseball is a fast-paced game. Even if it seems that nothing important occurs for long periods, stuff will happen in a matter of seconds. This can be a frustrating situation. A pitch can travel at speeds ranging from 90 to 100 miles per hour. Batting speeds can quickly reach 100 miles per hour. Being nervous may have a massive impact on one’s ability to play. Tension can cause things like slow response times and poor results.

Nonetheless, Chewing gum can reduce anxiety levels by 17 percent, according to a 2008 report presented at the 10th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine. When they are faced with a little stress situation, the percentage increases to 10%. When confronted with high-stress situations, the percentage decreases to 10%.

A typical sheer habit

For whatever reason, most players believe that chewing gum during a game will help them compete better and win. Others have been addicted to chewing gum and continue to do so.

Dirt taste removal

Since some players may be tossing themselves to the next base, they will have dirt in their mouths at times. Baseball field keepers appear to keep the field clear and wet, which serves the purpose of preventing mud from getting onto the faces and ears of the players. Nonetheless, there will be moments that they will slide and have dirt in their throats. Chewing gum can assist them in removing the unpleasant taste associated with dirt.

Dry mouth prevention

Baseball is an outdoor sport where the players may be exposed to the heat and scorching temperatures (especially in the summer and due to constant physical exercise). Their mouths will become very dry. Fielders may not have access to water for extended periods. People with dry mouth are a target demographic for certain gum firms.

As a substitute for tobacco

Chewing tobacco has been shared among many baseball players since the 1920s. Tobacco was initially believed to have no adverse effects on humans. However, due to more recent research, it was discovered that it did. Despite this, many baseball players maintained their cigarette chewing habit. To break the habit, many people turn to gum, which is a better alternative to cigarettes. Many well-known baseball stars from the past are now suffering from health issues due to their cigarette use. As a result, Major League Baseball began taking steps to discourage this epidemic from spreading among baseball players in this period.

In reality, Major League Baseball and the players’ union voted in 2016 to prohibit the use of smokeless tobacco during games. Although there is no absolute law prohibiting chewing tobacco in MLB stadiums, it is understood that by 2018, half of the stadiums did not permit tobacco on their campuses. Tobacco smoking was declared illegal in college baseball in 1990, and minor league baseball followed suit in 1993.

How the ‘Gum Chewing Trend’ Started in Baseball?

Baseball cards with players’ chewing gum became common in the 1930s. However, it was not until 1952 that Fleer popularized it. When people buy trading cards, they even get chewing gum. For nearly 40 years, this product was ranked as the best for children. However, this is no longer the case. Fans, however, continue to equate chewing gum with baseball.

Baseball players are drawn to chewing gum for reasons unknown. These players tend to feel young, and when they most likely began playing baseball as children, chewing gum transports them back through time and space to when they were younger. Unlike chewing tobacco, chewing gum is a practice that can be enjoyed by both amateur and professional baseball players.


What is the aim of baseball players’ chewing gum? As previously said, chewing gum relaxes players and allows them to do well in games. It also acts as a lucky charm, making them feel more confident when playing.

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